Here’s Why you are still Overweight

Here's why you are still fat

“Why am I still over weight despite all the gym appointments, fat burning exercises, yoga practices, belly fat cure walking outs and all the money spent on sporting goods and all those fat loss nutrition pills?” This is a common question everyone is asking to themselves and also asking friends and families and its rather ironic to get a definite answer even though everyone knows the answer but hard to implement it. Well, be it belly fat or stomach fat, the answer is not far-fetched. You can easily close your eyes and answer that because it’s only one word “Discipline”. If you learn to discipline yourself when it comes to food intake, you can easily adjust your life, get that six aps you have been dreaming of, discover your true self and became happy for the rest of your life.

Here are some reasons why you are still overweight

1) You cannot say no to grandma’s fatty foods and not maintaining the proper weight for your height, your body need up to 2,500 calories daily to stay active.

2) You are not following the basic daily exercise of at least 30 minutes a day to burn off useless calories.

3) Not eating in Moderation and eating too much of even low-fat foods.

4) Eating too much Fat and Sugar that increases calories.

5) Not eating More Fiber-Rich Foods

6) Not eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products such as bread and rice, etc.

7) Still eating much sugar and sweets and not reducing fat cheeses

8) Still drinking much alcohol and alcohol related.

9) Not selecting foods whose labels say low, light or reduced calories or fat.

10) Still eating much ice cream instead of fat-free, low fat plain yogurt.

11) Still eating those Favorite Rich Foods that keeps you heavy

12) Still following those too good to be true diet pills and weight loss programs you see every day on television and newspapers. Though some are good and works perfectly if used correctly.

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Here are some disciplinary measures you can simply impose on yourself and follow it strictly on daily basis.

1. Learn to say no thanks, I am already full.

2. Learn to tell grandma or grandpa or friends ok I will eat that later.

3. Follow good eating habit.

4. Turn away your eyes from those delicious and yummy fatty street foods that always catch your attention.

5. Learn to satisfy your food craving in moderation.

6. Get enough sleep.

7. Limit your caffeine intake.

8. Learn to do fasting sometime (even if not for any religious reasons) It’s very good for the entire body functions.

9. Drink lots of water to keep you hydrated and feeling re-fresh.

10. Increase your protein intake.

11. Don’t skip breakfast. Remember being deficient in certain vitamins, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium causes your body stress and boosts cortisol levels, some yogurt with fresh strawberries provides vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium.

12. Learn to turn a bad habit into a good idea.

13. Turn every disappointment into an opportunity.

14. Learn how to Feel Full Faster.

15. Don’t skip meals.

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16) Living with a Fat Partner. If you are living with a fat partner, it’s hard to say no as your partner is always having those fat foods and eating half and giving you other half, just devise a romantic means of saying ok, I will eat that later.

17. Use a Smaller Plate. We tend to eat with our eyes, not our stomachs. For many people, the sign of fullness is an empty plate. Consuming healthier portion sizes on a smaller plate may have the same effect. For a balanced meal, load up at least half your plate with veggies and fruit, then filling a quarter of the plate with lean protein and the other quarter with bread, pasta, or a potato.

18. Slow Down. Because it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to realize that the stomach is full, eating more slowly may help prevent overeating. It allows you to get to the point of being satisfied, not stuffed. Additionally, many people tend to ignore common signs of fullness, such as the feeling of tightness in the stomach. Don’t keep eating until your fullness is uncomfortably obvious. Instead, take time out to put your fork or spoon down between bites and have a sip of water while observing the physical sensations of your stomach.

Discipline yourself and put all the above mentioned facts into daily use, before you know it that fatness disappears and will never come back hence the real you comes out in full.

Eating healthy, filling foods can help you lose weight without feeling hungry. Certain foods fill you up faster and satisfy you longer than others.

Knowing which healthy foods are the most filling and incorporating them into your diet can help you lose weight.

It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat that can make a difference in how full you feel and can help you figure out a strategy that’s going to leave you feeling satisfied while eating less.

If your still struggling with those extra pounds, try if you can follow some or all the steps enumerated above and. Besides, try to invent your own ideas and share them to the world so that millions of people out there who are also struggling with extra pounds will gain more insight and conviction to do things differently.

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